Your power plant requires the use of dependable and secure solutions

Your power plant requires the use of dependable and secure solutions

The production of power is a fundamental aspect of contemporary life. It entails the process of generating electricity, which powers establishments, enterprises, and industries globally. Power plants, which transform different forms of energy into electrical power that can be supplied through power distribution networks, are usually used to generate power.

Power producing systems are typically thought of as heat engines since they use heat input to produce work and, ultimately, electricity continuously. Burning fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas), biomass, processing nuclear fuel, and obtaining thermal energy from renewable energy sources are the methods used to supply heat input. For instance, the energy contained in coal is finally transformed into power in a traditional coal-fired power plant (the word "power station" is also used). Conventional power plants typically consist of several generating units that, at their peak performance, are intended to run at their nominal load.

Many well-known power generating systems are classified as conventional these include the combustion turbine power plant, combined cycle power plant, steam Rankine or organic Rankine power plant, spark ignition engine, compression-ignition engine, nuclear power plant, and hydroelectric power plant. The primary output of all these conventional power generating systems (CPGSs) is mechanical work, which is passed to later systems as shaft rotation. Vehicle traction systems use the shaft power produced by engines to propel the vehicle forward. The shaft power produced by the prime mover in stationary power plants or generators is utilized to rotate an electrical generator, which transforms rotational mechanical power into electrical power.

The prime mover, or organ, which generates shaft power, is the essential part of a CPGS. In CPGSs, two different types of prime movers are utilized: turbomachines and positive displacement machines, such as reciprocating engines. Generally speaking, reciprocating machines are made up of piston-and-cylinder assemblies that use the pressure force of an expanding gas to create a reciprocating action that is then translated into shaft rotation. Turbines, or turbomachines, directly transform a fluid's kinetic energy into shaft spin.

Solutions and services for plants and fleets


Your power plant requires the use of dependable and secure solutions.

When it comes to top-notch plant-wide automation system solutions, ABB is your trustworthy partner. In addition to providing new systems, we design a customizable package that fits your goals and budget and maintains and upgrades the electrical and automation assets already in place at your factory. With our bespoke service, you can be confident that your specific needs are satisfied because of our scalable and adaptable design, which supports both single and multi-system configurations. This frees you up to concentrate on the things that really matter, like setting the standard in your industry.

Electrical and automation solutions

ABB's portfolio of electrical and automation systems is distinguished by its cutting-edge technology, extensive functionality, and operational dependability. The goal of ongoing improvements is to raise the level of quality, cost-effectiveness, usability, and usefulness. ABB has been rated as the world's top DCS supplier for decades, having worked on power plants of all kinds.

Digital Solutions

The foundation to achieving operational excellence sooner is effective digital solutions

The energy sector is going through unheard-of changes, such as stricter regulations, rapidly developing technologies, heightened competition, and volatile markets. All of this is in addition to the standard operational challenges of maximizing return on asset performance, talent scarcity, and margin constraints.

Decades-old, fragmented, reactive, and/or inefficient document-driven processes are unable to give businesses the precise, timely, and comprehensive information they need to meet these demands and attain operational excellence both now and in the future.

Ineffective digital solutions pose significant risks to energy industry organizations:

Costlier maintenance

Incomplete visibility into equipment condition leads to costly reactive maintenance

Unplanned downtime

Equipment and process malfunctions that interrupt operations cost industry billions of dollars each year

Inefficient operations

Equipment-related production interruptions and lack of automation reduce output and profitability

Unsustainable practices

Lagging adaptation to new energy sources and emissions standards can result in costly taxes and penalties

Security Vulnerabilities

As critical infrastructure, energy producers and distributors need the hughes possible levels of cyber security to manage risks.