watching television can amuse you for incredibly little money

watching television can amuse you for incredibly little money

One common source of amusement is the television. It is prevalent and present in practically every home. Since the primary function of television at the time was entertainment, it was dubbed the "Idiot Box" when it first began to broadcast. Thanks to technological progress and creative innovation, television has become a significant mass medium. Today's TV offers a plethora of educational and informational channels that serve as both a source of knowledge and amusement.

Two words make up the term "television": "tele" and "vision". Vision is the act or faculty of seeing, whereas tele is a Greek word meaning far-off that is used in the names of equipment designed to operate over large distances. A device for receiving signals with a screen might be referred to as "television."

The Perspectives of Television

John Logie Baird, a Scottish physicist, is credited with creating the television first. It could only show black-and-white motion pictures (or videos) at first. Thanks to technological advancements, we now have smart and colored TVs. Both adults and children get their enjoyment from television. A large portion of people's free time is spent watching television. This could make someone question if watching television for extended periods of time is actually a smart idea. There is no denying that television has distinct benefits and drawbacks.

The Advantages of Watching Television

An Inexpensive Source of Entertainment:

Today, watching television can amuse you for incredibly little money. Aside from a very small service charge, televisions are not very expensive, and all you need to be entertained is one. For many who are unable to leave their homes or live alone, televisions provide hours of enjoyable amusement. All people can buy televisions because they are so affordable.

Provides Knowledge:

There are several services available on television, such as news networks. We are able to remain current on global news thanks to these channels and services. In addition, instructional programming on television helps us broaden our knowledge. We get knowledge about history, science, nature, and other subjects.

Gives Motivation:

There are television shows that inspire viewers to acquire particular abilities. Motivational speakers provide programs that encourage viewers to strive for excellence in their chosen fields.

The Disadvantages of Television

Like every other device, television too has some demerits alongside its advantages.

Inappropriate Content:

There are hardly any safeguards on television to stop audiences of adult and mature content from being divided from younger viewers. As a result, everyone can see content as it airs. The younger demographic of the audience is consequently exposed to unsuitable content.


Excessive television watching can become addicting, according to studies. Addiction to television reduces social interactions and increases inactivity. Children are therefore more vulnerable to both physical and mental diseases.

Fake Information:

Misinformation is frequently disseminated on television in an effort to increase views and ratings. Misinformation of this nature can be detrimental to communal and social cohesion. Also, the false information may have a long-lasting effect on the audience members who are younger.

Functions of Television

Television serves a variety of functions, providing entertainment, information, education, and communication to millions of people worldwide.

Here are some key functions of television:


Television is a primary source of entertainment for many people. It offers a wide range of programs, including dramas, comedies, reality shows, documentaries, sports broadcasts, and movies, catering to diverse interests and preferences.

Information dissemination:

Television serves as a crucial medium for disseminating news, current events, and information to the public. News channels provide up-to-date coverage of local, national, and international news, keeping viewers informed about important developments around the world.


Television plays a significant role in education, offering educational programs, documentaries, and instructional videos on various subjects. Educational channels and programs provide valuable learning opportunities for children, students, and lifelong learners, supplementing formal education and fostering intellectual curiosity.

Cultural preservation:

Television helps preserve and promote cultural heritage by showcasing traditional arts, music, dance, cuisine, and rituals from different regions and communities. Cultural programs contribute to cultural exchange, diversity appreciation, and intercultural understanding.


Television serves as a platform for socialization, bringing people together to watch and discuss programs, sports events, and cultural phenomena. It facilitates shared experiences and conversations, fostering social connections and community cohesion.

Advertising and marketing:

Television is a powerful medium for advertising and marketing products, services, and brands to a wide audience. Commercials, sponsored content, and product placements reach consumers in their homes, influencing purchasing decisions and shaping consumer behavior.

Political communication:

Television plays a crucial role in political communication, broadcasting political debates, speeches, interviews, and election coverage. It provides a platform for political candidates, parties, and stakeholders to communicate their messages, engage with voters, and shape public opinion.

Cultural influence:

Television influences cultural trends, norms, and attitudes by showcasing popular lifestyles, fashion trends, social behaviors, and values. It reflects and shapes societal norms, shaping perceptions, identities, and aspirations.


Television offers a form of escapism, allowing viewers to temporarily escape from their everyday lives and immerse themselves in fictional worlds, stories, and characters. It provides entertainment and relaxation, helping people unwind and de-stress after a busy day.

Community engagement:

Television fosters community engagement by featuring local events, programs, and initiatives that bring people together and promote civic participation. It highlights community issues, achievements, and concerns, fostering a sense of belonging and civic pride.