The importance of social networks for the success of a business
Nowadays, if you think about starting or having a business, it is essential to be present on social networks. In the digital age we live in, you have to be visible on the internet to realize that you know and implement different branding strategies to make a name for yourself in the market. There is a wide range of possibilities for new companies or those that have not yet taken off to reach their audience faster.
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Networks make small and medium-sized businesses grow
The benefits of having a digital marketing agency
The technology sector is constantly evolving, promoting yourself through digital media requires digital marketing knowledge that is essential to be successful, so in any case it is a good idea to hire specialists in this field.
To start making it easier for the nearest public to get to know the business, if for example your company is located in Murcia, you have to take into account that it is important that local planning is carried out with a local organization, such as this social media agency. in Murcia with which we have collaborated to prepare a success story.
The reason why it is important to have local support for an optimal strategy is that it is the best way to bring the product or service of your business closer and start the bases with the closest public, creating fluid and agile communication. that if applied correctly will have a positive impact on your sales.
Marketing, as it is traditionally known, is responsible for carrying out different planning to get people interested in a product or service.
There are many factors that influence how to specify the best possible strategy and it must always be personalized. Among other tasks, in a marketing agency the market is investigated, an analysis is carried out and it seeks to understand the interests of the ideal clients for a business.
Networks make small and medium-sized businesses grow
Digital marketing focuses on digital media and social networks are the perfect tool for customer acquisition, which allows you to act with customers in a more direct way.
Several studies carried out on Internet users corroborate the importance of being present in networks for the growth of a company.
The reflected conclusions affirmed that up to 84% of the people surveyed use social networks, of which 74% consider that they are a trusted means to which they go to make a decision to purchase a product.
More than 37 million people in Spain are users of social networks, which represents 80% of the population, and the time spent on them is around two hours on average.
If you want to undertake, with this data it is evident that in your strategy you cannot lose sight of the digital world. Many consumers interact with brands through social networks, which will offer you clear and immediate information about their tastes and interests.
The social networks that work best for SMEs have been proven to be Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube.
Each of the digital platforms has its importance and can support each other to enhance your brand.
Facebook is the most popular social network with the largest audience. It has 2.740 million active users worldwide. You can publish ads that directly reach people interested in your product or service through its market segmentation tool. This instrument takes into account tastes, interests, age, residence…
YouTube is the second most used worldwide with around 1,900 million users. It is considered to be the social network with the highest number of unique visits per month, around 800 million. For businesses, tutorials and videos are the best way to showcase your products and generate interest.
Instagram has experienced remarkable growth in recent years after its purchase by Facebook. It is reported that this year it has 1,080 million monthly active users. To launch communications and advertising campaigns through posts and Stories is one of the most popular, and it has been shown that great results are achieved. It is the social network with the greatest capacity for commitment and the latest changes introduced can generate more possibilities of reaching a much larger audience.
TikTok is one of the latest platforms that is gaining ground, especially among the youngest, although currently the age of the users ranges from 13 to 50 years. Many companies begin to join this social network to gain greater visibility.
Linkedin is a specifically professional social network, and it is very good if in your case you also want to generate collaborations, meetings and synergies with other businesses.
Not all of them may always be suitable for the service you offer, so it is important to know who you want to reach and which social networks are the most suitable for your company.
The benefits of having a digital marketing agency
Having the services of an agency makes it possible to receive a more impartial, direct and objective vision of the effectiveness that the different advertising actions carried out and the most appropriate social networks can have to increase sales.
Professionals are up to date with the updates that are being generated in a sector that is constantly evolving. In addition, they know perfectly how to transmit the information that your target is looking for in an original, fresh and different way. Improvisation and not knowing this digital world well is one of the most common reasons why the desired results are not achieved.
On the other hand, you cannot always take into account what works for others, since to differentiate yourself from your competitors it is essential to create different strategies, and the more personalized they are, the greater the impact and notoriety you achieve.Always keep in mind that by all the digital means by which a client comes into contact with your business, be it the web or social networks, you must ensure that they trust you and that it generates an effect of maximum interest.