9 best memorization techniques for memory boost

9 best memorization techniques for memory boost

Having better memorization power is a general asset of an individual. However, for working professionals in the business world, it is an invaluable skill to have. Fortunately, countless memorization techniques can speed up your brain’s processing and improve your capacity to retain information longer.

Verbal memorization techniques
Tired of forgetting names, dates, or key details at work? Verbal memorization techniques can be the solution you are looking for. These strategies leverage the power of words and language to transform fleeting information into long-lasting memories.

1. Chunking
Chunking is the memory technique of breaking down large and complex information into smaller and digestible chunks. This approach removes the overwhelmedness associated with information overload, making it easier to process, understand, and remember the information. Information recall is easy when broken down into parts: your phone number, grocery list, or technical data. Similarly, in your workplace, suppose you have multiple tasks to handle. You can remember them by project type, deadline, or priority for that matter. Whatever feels right.

2. Elaboration
Elaboration or elaborative encoding links new information to already-known concepts, knowledge, and experiences. By establishing relationships, professionals tend to achieve deeper understanding and remember information for longer. For example, when learning a new marketing strategy, do not just memorize it. Instead, try linking it to a successful competitor campaign to understand its practical application.

3. Spelling mnemonics
Spelling mnemonics, somewhat similar to chunking, is a great strategy to help you memorize information. Using the first letter of each keyword, you can form an acronym for large information or groups. Some of the examples include –

KPI – Key Performance Indicators
SMART – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based
SWOT – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Strengths
PPM – Project Portfolio management
WBS – Work Breakdown Structure

4. The Feynman technique
The ideology behind Richard Faynman’s approach is to leverage the power of teaching by demystifying complex information and explaining it to someone else. Especially considering them as laymen ( even if imaginary) with no prior knowledge. For example, when learning a new software feature, try explaining it to your colleague with no experience with the platform. That way, you will make efforts to solidify and refine your understanding of the concept and identify gaps in it.

Visual memorization techniques
Our brains are wired to process visuals exceptionally well. By incorporating these visual memorization techniques into your routine, you can transform complex information into a vibrant mental gallery, boosting your recall and making learning an engaging experience.

5. Visualization
The human mind responds to visual data 60000 times better than text. You can leverage this technology to enhance your memory record by creating mind images using pictures, graphs, charts, diagrams, or scenes. This technique boosts your spatial memory. Gantt charts are real-time data visualization tools. You can easily measure project progress, set task dependencies, and highlight critical paths to commit them to your memory.

6. The Leitner system
The Leitner system is a spaced-out memorization technique for enhancing long-term retention in individuals. In contrast to rote learning, this technique exposes the brain to information in shorter and more frequent intervals. By doing this, you save your brain from tedious and ineffective efforts. Duolingo, a language learning app, employs this method to learn languages. Spacing out lessons gives your brain enough time to encode and store the information for easy retrieval.

7. Flashcards
By creating flashcards, you can narrow down your focus to essential chunks. You can use different colors and add titles and subtitles to retain the information in your memory. If you do not like creating physical cards, you can even use project management tools like ProofHub to create digital ones. ProofHub’s stickies are similar to flashcards. You can add quick, actionable items, birthday reminders, links, important phone numbers, and more. You can even choose to change the stickies’ color for easy categorization.

8. The method of Loci
The University of Pittsburgh defines the method as – “The Memory Palace technique is a memorization strategy, based on visualizations of familiar spatial environments to recall information. “Loci” is the Latin term which means “places” or “locations”.” These places could be anything you are already familiar with: your office building, break room, desk, meeting room, elevator, or something else.

For example, you can assign a visual cue to each section in your office while preparing for a presentation. You can even sequence the locations for better recall and revisit these to trigger your memory.

9. The Cornell Method
If you are someone who loves to write things down, then this technique is best for you. When we write down important pieces of information, it encourages its active processing in the brain. You can even refer back to them anytime. With ProofHub’s notes, you can capture everything visually and boost your memory. You can keep it for your personal use or even add additional subscribers for collaboration. The color code option facilitates better organization and segmentation.

Choosing the right technique to memorize things fast
Everyone has different learning styles, and memorization is no different.

That is why the key to effective memorization is discovering what complements your preferred style and works best for you. Here are the four major types of learners. Find out what type of learner you are.

1. Visual
If you prefer processing information through images, videos, charts, diagrams, and spatial organization, you belong to this category. These type of learners organize their thoughts and ideas visually and even seek powerful visualization and observation to retain important details.

2. Auditory
Auditory learners find the best understanding of sound and verbal communication. They are both effective listeners and communicators. They comprehend better when information is communicated acoustic, like in meetings, sessions, and seminars. Podcasts, webinars, and audio recordings are also beneficial to them.

3. Reading/writing preference
These are the learners who prefer to read and write to memorize better. This allows them to analyze, evaluate, and absorb crucial information from dictated information or reading materials. These users hold the greater capacity to retain a lot of information.

4. Kinesthetic
Also known as tactile learners, these individuals better grasp concepts through hands-on experience and physical activity. Their memorization skills function optimally when they actively participate in the learning process.

Tips for memory improvement
1. Get enough sleep and exercise
Sleep improves the ability to recall complex events. During sleep, your brain consolidates all the events and memories. Sleeping 7-8 hours each night is essential to optimizing memory functions. A sleep-deprived individual impairs an individual’s ability to concentrate.

2. Limit alcohol and caffeine
Excess alcohol consumption disrupts the brain’s function and interferes with the memory formation process. So, be mindful of your alcohol intake practices. Also, caffeine affects sleep quality, especially when consumed in the afternoon and evening.

3. Eat a healthy diet
A study finds, “A balanced diet was associated with better mental health, superior cognitive functions and even higher amounts of grey matter in the brain — linked to intelligence — compared with those with a less varied diet.”

What you consume greatly impacts your ability to think and memorize. Consuming healthy foods like milk, cheese, fish, and eggs and avoiding natural sugar, refined sugar, and saturated fats promote long-term memory functions.

4. Manage stress
Jill Goldstein, a professor of psychiatry and medicine at Harvard Medical School, says, “Stress affects not only memory and many other brain functions, like mood and anxiety but also promotes inflammation, which adversely affects heart health.”

So, to deal with stress, engage in stress reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, cardio, or deep breathing exercises. It helps you improve concentration and focus in your routine life.

5. Actively recalling information
Don’t be passive in your approach to consuming information. By this, I mean actively engaging when understanding a concept. This will strengthen your memory pathways and enhance retention.